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CAP Partners with Mossy Earth for tree planting at Alladale Wilderness Reserve in Scotland

We are delighted to say donations raised by CAP over the last six months will fund tree planting at the stunning Alladale Wilderness Reserve this spring. Alladale is a key site for re-wilding. It forms part of the great Caledonian Forest which once covered most of Scotland and was filled with historic Scots pine and beautiful broadleaf trees. Centuries of tree felling for timber and farmland has meant this vast forest has been reduced to just 1% of its former range. Between 2009 and 2012 Paul Lister, owner of Alladale, completed phase one of a project to re-forest the land by planting 920,000 saplings within the estate’s 23,000 acres. Phase two of this project to plant a further 2,000 acres with trees is currently underway. This is where all donations made to CAP will go this planting season.

The regeneration of Alladale’s woodland has paved the way for the successful re-introductucion of red squirrels & wild cat to the area. Details and wonderful clips can be seen here. Paul Lister is hoping to be the first location in the UK to re-introduce wolves.

The project is being run on the ground by our partners at Mossy Earth. The joy of Mossy Earth & Alladale Wilderness Reserve is that both help donors to be as connected to the trees as they like, visiting the reserve if the opportunity ever arises.

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