We're thrilled to say that on September 16th, 2024, 33 trays of CAP funded kelp plants 🌱 left a lab in Portugal where they had been growing in prime conditions attached to small stones 🪨 and were put into the sea 🌊 at a carefully selected and protected reef 🪸🐟 off the coast of Cascais in Portugal 🙌 🥳 👏
Thanks 🙏💫 to the careful work of @seaforester and @mossy.earth these young plants will hopefully establish well and with luck 🍀🙏 survive the winter storms.
Kelp forests 🪸🦀🐟 are essential marine ecosystems that provide food, protection and shade for marine species 🐠🦐 🐟 and thanks to some speedy growing they are good at absorbing CO2 + marine pollutants fast 💨 👏
Globally kelp forests cover 5x the area of coral reefs, but they are also declining 4x faster. Destructive fishing practices like beam trawling, plus other human activities, have been fast tracking the problem. With energy thrown at protecting kelp forest locations and work around re-planting like this, the tide can turn and kelp forests will and are coming back.
Thank you 🙏🤗@stinkfilms @scoutproductions & @deniseshentonproductions for funding this project - it is so appreciated 🦀🌊🪸🍀💖 #plant #carbonsequestration #sustainable